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Digital Technologies

Always cross check with your rubric to make sure you get the best marks possible.


You have a choice of either working alone or in groups of 2, 3 or 4. Your first choice will be to use the Weebly website that we have worked with previously, to create a game. You will need to discuss with your partner, group members or if you are working alone, write up a plan about, what character you will use in your game and how you want the game to be structured. You will need to create one that has many different obstacles throughout it, to reach the end destination, all in binary code. It will need a starting point and something in the end of the game that your character is aiming to find. For example, a pirate looking for his treasure. 


The second choice you will have to work on is using the same website to create an obstacle throughout the school, in binary codes, to arrive at a chosen destination.  You will need to create a Word Document, where you write up all the codes so that when another person was to play the game, they can follow the steps to reach the destination.


This will be similar to the game (Thumping Alien Robots) you have played together in class, only with your own ideas. 



Before beginning this process, you will need to use the method 'Think, Pair, Share" with your partner or group members about your ideas. You will need to write up a plan of what you will want to add into your activity. You need to make sure that everyone is encouraged to give their opinion. Write a draft out before starting to create your game on Weebly.


You will then need to present your work in front of the whole class and explain the process of how you made the game, your thoughts that went into designing the game and why you chose to do that.


At the end of the unit plan, you will first need to individually write up your own instructions on your activity. It needs to be clear for someone else that will read it, to understand very easily. You will need to present the instructions list to the whole class. Secondly, you will all swap your games and codes you have created with the other group members or other students, to try and figure out how to reach the destination.



The link to Weebly is below.

Have fun and be creative!

Support each other and encourage one another!

Binary Codes

ACTDIP019 - Design, modify and follow simple algorithms involving sequences of steps, branching, and iteration (repetition) (ACARA, 2016)


ACTDIK015 - Investigate how digital systems use whole numbers as a basis for representing all types of data (ACARA, 2016b)

Your Task

Here is your unit overview

Here is the rubric for your unit

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